Captain Jake Herrin



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Author Topic: Cane Pole Fishing for Grouper  (Read 6025 times)

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Cane Pole Fishing for Grouper
« on: December 05, 2013, 04:57:19 PM »
The idea had come to me out of the blue, like most odd things I come up with. So, going out fishing by myself one day, I decided to give it a try. I had purchased a cane pole from one of the Bait Shops here in town, wasn’t a Calcutta like I wanted but thought I’d still give it a try.
 Wrapping 100lb test line from the middle of the pole up to the top (trying for extra protection of the pole), I set out to the Intake Canal in Crystal River, which is where I do most of my inshore Grouper fishing. Got all set up after catching some nice pinfish to use for bait. Now, I also had a grouper rod & reel set out too, wanted to make sure I covered all bases. J Well to keep a long story short (as I have the main story yet to tell) I came in with two nice keepers; one was 25” the other 23” and had a few more that were “almost” keepers. Funny thing was, never got a bite on the other rig. Needless to say, had a hard time convincing others that I had really caught them on the cane pole.
 Now, it’s a few weeks later and my oldest son Joel, had come over for a day of fishing. He wanted to go for some grouper so off we went to the same area. Again, we had caught some nice baitfish, so we baited up with regular grouper rigs and went to fishing. Bam! First off Joel gets a 23” keeper and a few more shorts. Well it slows down to nothing for about 30 minutes then I decide it’s time to take out the ole cane pole again.  A grin comes over my son’s face like “yeah, right!” (another skeptic)
 Baiting up I dropped it over the side of the boat with the bait just touching bottom and “boom!” down it goes. Well it was only 21” so had to throw it back. Joel made the comment that if I caught another one he wanted to give it a try. Grab another bait, put back down and another one hits! Gotta hang on to this one, it’s a big one and trying to head for the rocks. Managed to get it out but I hear the pole starting to crack! Grabbing the line I start hand lining it up from the bottom. Joel, meanwhile has gone for the gaff. As the grouper gets close enough to the top, he’s gaffed and put in the boat to be measured. Twenty seven inches! But, alas, the cane pole had caught it’s last fish. (but in front of a witness this time!)
 Now we are both sitting there wishing we had an extra pole to fish with. Two drops, two hits. (It just don’t get no better then that!) It’s off shopping for a new one now. Maybe I can find one of those good ole Calcutta ones.
 Captain Jake Herrin

Captain Jake Herrin

Cane Pole Fishing for Grouper
« on: December 05, 2013, 04:57:19 PM »


Copyright © Captain Jake Herrin